I’m a front-of-the-front-end developer with a strong focus on
accessibility, animation & interaction, and deleting code.
Recent experience
UX Engineer @ YouTube
At YouTube I’ve been owning Standards, the internal resource for
the YouTube design system. I’m creating pages and interactive
tools to educate designers on how they can maximize creative
expression and usability within the constraints of the system, as
well as to provide them with speedy access to resources and
information like logos, palettes, fonts, marketing kits, etc.
UX Engineer @ Faculty
As a UX Engineer, I designed and built web experiences for a
variety of clients, using technologies ranging from Python and
Flask, to cutting-edge Javascript, to WebGL and GLSL. I designed
solutions for a myriad clients including font foundries, law firms
and cryptography startups. I focused on delivering extremely
modern and interactive web solutions with a propensity for
progressive enhancement and accessibility.
Design Engineer @ Promontech
As a design engineer, I was primarily responsible for translating
design priorities and UX principles to front-end implementation. I
coded reusable, scalable components and (S)CSS architecture with a
focus on accessibility, interactivity, and developer experience.
Interaction Developer @ Universal Mind
As an Interaction Developer at Universal Mind, my main
responsibility was maintaining and iterating the Universal Mind
flagship site, as well as a few other static site generation
UI Developer @ Great Dental Websites
At GDW, I was responsible for translating PSD and Sketch mockups
to lively, interactive web products. I also designed multiple user
interface and experience improvements to the company's CMS
Jr. Project Manager @ Fusionbox
As an intern with Fusionbox, I managed web development projects,
using agile and standard methodologies. This meant keeping in
close contact a wide variety of clients, organizing meetings
between clients and the Fusionbox team, and making sure clients'
needs were being met on schedule.
Relevant expertise
Semantic document structure
Accessibility best practices
Static site generation/JAMStack
Modern featuresets
Performant animation techniques
Advanced SCSS/Sass
Large-scale and systemized style code
CSS methodology (BEM, SMACSS, OOCSS, etc)
SPA frameworks, incl. Vue, React, and Angular
Build pipelines and packaging (Parcel, Gulp, Webpack, NPM, etc)